Culturebot looks at the street art project component of the upcoming La MaMa presentation of I Came to Look for You on Tuesday:
In conjunction with Chiori Miyagawa’s play I Came to Look for You on Tuesday, which will premiere at La Mama, E.T.C. in September 2013, Bayard designed and printed six different poster-sized works. They are going up, guerrilla-style, in four different locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn at roughly two-week intervals all summer. The text on each image is taken from the play or from salons Miyagawa held last spring, where each participant told a personal story of reunion.
I Came to Look
for You on Tuesday
September 26 – October 13, 2013
Written by Chiori Miyagawa
Directed by Alice Reagan
Told in fragments, Chiori Miyagawa’s emotionally raw new play I Came to Look for You on Tuesday traces the journeys of twenty characters that lose someone following natural disaster or war. For Maia, reunion with her mother, who was swept away by the tsunami, is impossible. She seeks her mother’s spirit by swimming across the largest lake in the world. A Re/Union Company Production
For Tickets and Info: Click Here